
Showing posts from February, 2025


 Dear Parents, Today in class we did the following: □ 1. Quiz □ 2. RWN Check, read Ghost Towns of the American West □ 3. Homework: OKsensay assignment, 1 page in bubble book about what you did during the long weekend. PIN:   od59km


 Dear Parents, Today in class we did the following: □ 1. RWN Pages 363, 370 □ 2. Homework: Quiz Review Sheet Name: _____________                    Class: 602/603/604                Number: _____ 1. ______________ – relating to trade, industry, or money 2. ______________ – the quality of being able to look after yourself and not need money , help , or permission from other people 3. ______________ – somewhere that is vacant is available because it is not being used 4. ______________ – to spread over 5. ______________ – to write or draw poorly or carelessly 6. ______________ – valuable , useful , or necessary 7. ______________ – how much money something could be sold for; to judge how much money something could be sold for 8. ______________ – something very important that something else de...


 Dear Parents, Today in class we did the following: □ 1. Vocabulary words 16 – 30, RWN page 362 _ □ 2. RS pages 287, 289 □ 3. Homework: Vocabulary words 16 – 30 x 4, defs x 1, 5 sentences using 2 vocabulary words. 16. telephone   n. -   a device for speaking to someone in another place by means of electrical signals 17. millimeter   n. – a unit of measurement of length equal to 0.001 meter 18. pedometer   n. - a device that measures how far one has walked by counting the number of times the feet are raise d and put down again 19. thermometer   n. – a device used for measuring temperature especially of the air or in a person’s body   20. diameter   n.- a (the length of) a straight line that reaches from one point on the edge of a round shape or object, through its center, to a point on the opposite edge 21. autograph   n. – a signature, especially of a famous person 22. phonograph   n. – old use for record player 23. ph...


 Dear Parents, Today in class we did the following: □ 1. Vocabulary words 1 - 15 □ 2. Homework: Vocabulary words 1 – 15 x 4, defs x 1, 5 sentences using 2 vocabulary words. 1. economic   adj. – relating to trade, industry, or money 2. independence   n. – the quality of being able to look after yourself and not need money , help , or permission from other people 3. vacant   adj. – somewhere that is vacant is available because it is not being used 4. overrun   v. – to spread over 5. scrawl   v. – to write or draw poorly or carelessly 6. important   adj. – valuable , useful , or necessary 7. value   n./v. – how much money something could be sold for; to judge how much money something could be sold for 8. cornerstone   n. – something very important that something else depends on 9. headlong   adv. – quickly and directly 10 . blast   v. – to break through rock using explosives 11. adventurou...


 Dear Parents, Today in class we did the following: □ 1. Unit test □ 2. RWN check, preview Ghost Towns □ 3. Homework: OKsensay assignment PIN:  2b2qhj


 Dear Parents, Today in class we did the following: □ 1. RWN Pages 355 - 357 □ 2. Unit Test Review □ 3. Homework: Unit test review worksheet Name: _______________      Class: 602/603/604          Number: ____________ Directions: Write your answers in complete sentences. 1) What is the genre of Journey to the Center of the Earth? _________________________________________________________________________ 2) Describe the monsters that were encountered. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3) What sort of boat are the adventurers on? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4) Did people know what the center of the Earth was made of in 1864? If no, what did they have to do? _____...


  Dear Parents, Today in class we did the following: □ 1.  RWN Pages 353, 358 □ 2.  Homework: RWN Page 377   


 Dear Parents, Today in class we did the following: □ 1. Vocabulary words 16 - 30 □ 2. Read Journey to the Center of the Earth □ 3. Homework: Vocabulary words 16 – 30 x 4, defs x 1, 5 sentences using 2 vocabulary words. 1.       rupture   v . – if you rupture something, you break or tear it, and if something ruptures, it breaks or tears 2.       prescribe   v . – to say what medical treatment someone needs 3.       drag   v . – to move something by pulling it along a surface , usually the ground 4.       mortally   adv . – so severe that death is likely 5.       wounded   adj . – injured , especially with a cut or hole in the skin 6.       twisted   adj . – bent so that the original shape is changed or destroyed 7.       agony   n . – extreme ...


 Dear Parents, Today in class we did the following: □ 1. Vocabulary words 1 - 15 □ 2. Homework: Vocabulary words 1 – 15 x 4, defs x 1, 5 sentences using 2 vocabulary words. 1.       raft   n . – a flat floating structure for traveling across water , often made of pieces of wood tied roughly together and moved along with a paddle (= pole with a flat end) 2.       rush   v. – to ( cause to) go or do something very quickly 3.       floating   adj . – not fixed in one position , place , or level ; on water 4.       inch   n . – a unit used for measuring length , approximately equal to 2.54 centimeters , sometimes shown by the symbol ″ 5.       surface   n . – the outer or top part or layer of something 6.       porpoise   n . – a mammal that lives in the sea , swims i...