Dear Parents,
Today in class we did the following:
□ 1. Vocabulary words 1 - 15
□ 2. Homework: Vocabulary words 1 – 15 x 4, defs x 1, 5 sentences using
2 vocabulary words.
raft n. – a flat floating structure for traveling across water, often made of pieces of wood tied roughly together and moved along with a paddle (= pole with a flat end)
rush v. – to (cause to) go or do something
very quickly
floating adj. – not fixed in one position, place, or level; on water
inch n. – a unit used for measuring length, approximately equal to 2.54 centimeters, sometimes shown by the symbol ″
surface n. – the outer or top part or layer of something
porpoise n. – a mammal that lives in the sea, swims in groups, and looks similar to a dolphin but has a shorter rounder nose
combat n. – a fight, especially during a war
hiss v. – to make a noise like a long s sound
injection n. – if you have an injection, someone puts a drug into your body using a needle
10. wrestler n. –
a person who wrestles as a sport
11. disturbance n. –
disturbance means upsetting or disorganizing
something which was previously in a calm and well-ordered state
12. crouch v. –
to bend your knees and lower yourself so that you are close to the ground and leaning forward slightly
13. overturn v. –
to (cause to) turn over
14. disappear v. –
if people or things disappear,
they go somewhere where they cannot be seen or found
15. draw v. –
if you draw something or
someone in a particular direction, you move them in that direction, usually by
pulling them gently.
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