
 Dear Parents,

Today in class we did the following:

□ 1. Vocabulary words 16 - 30

□ 2. Read Journey to the Center of the Earth

□ 3. Homework: Vocabulary words 16 – 30 x 4, defs x 1, 5 sentences using 2 vocabulary words.

1.      rupture  v. – if you rupture something, you break or tear it, and if something ruptures, it breaks or tears

2.      prescribe  v. – to say what medical treatment someone needs

3.      drag  v. – to move something by pulling it along a surface, usually the ground

4.      mortally  adv. – so severe that death is likely

5.      wounded  adj. – injured, especially with a cut or hole in the skin

6.      twisted  adj. – bent so that the original shape is changed or destroyed

7.      agony  n. – extreme physical or mental pain or suffering

8.      wriggle  v. – to twist your body, or move part of your body, with small, quick movements

9.      vast  adj. – extremely big

10. whip  n. – a piece of leather or rope that is fastened to a stick, used for hitting animals or people

11. dreadful  adj.- causing fear, shock, or suffering

12. stir v. – If you stir, you move slightly, for example because you are uncomfortable or beginning to wake up

13. strike  v. – to hit or attack someone or something forcefully or violently

14. blind  v. – to make someone unable to see, permanently or for a short time

15. torment  v. – to cause a person or animal to suffer or worry


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