
 Dear Parents,

Today in class we did the following:

□ 1. RWN Pages 363, 370

□ 2. Homework: Quiz Review Sheet

Name: _____________                   Class: 602/603/604               Number: _____

1. ______________ – relating to trade, industry, or money

2. ______________ the quality of being able to look after yourself and not need money, help, or permission from other people

3. ______________ – somewhere that is vacant is available because it is not being used

4. ______________ – to spread over

5. ______________ – to write or draw poorly or carelessly

6. ______________valuable, useful, or necessary

7. ______________ – how much money something could be sold for; to judge how much money something could be sold for

8. ______________ – something very important that something else depends on

9. ______________ – quickly and directly

10. ____________ – to break through rock using explosives

11. _____________willing to try new or difficult things; exciting and often dangerous

12. _____________– to arrange something on a flat surface

13. _____________ to give a quick short look

14. _____________ – to start to exist suddenly

15._____________unhook or unfasten (something tethered to or caught on something else)

16. _____________ -  a device for speaking to someone in another place by means of electrical signals

17. ______________ – a unit of measurement of length equal to 0.001 meter

18. ____________ - a device that measures how far one has walked by counting the number of times the feet are raised and put down again

19. _____________ – a device used for measuring temperature especially of the air or in a person’s body 

20. _______________ - a (the length of) a straight line that reaches from one point on the edge of a round shape or object, through its center, to a point on the opposite edge

21. ______________ – a signature, especially of a famous person

22. ______________ – old use for record player

23. _______________ – a person who takes photographs, either as a job or hobby

24. _______________ – a photographic copy of a document on a photocopier

25. _______________ – a device shaped like a box with a screen that receives electrical signals and changes the m into moving images and sounds

26. _______________ – a unit measurement equal to 1,000 meters

27. _______________ – a unit of length equal to 0.01 meter

28. ________________ – a device in a vehicle that shows how fast the vehicle is moving

29. ________________ – a device that measures air pressure and shows when the weather is likely to change

30. _______________ – a camera lens that makes objects faraway look nearer and larger when they are photographed

There is a section about adverbs on the quiz, which was the subject of todays RWN pages.


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