
 Dear Parents,

Today in class we did the following:

□ 1. Vocabulary words 1 - 15

□ 2. Homework: Vocabulary words 1 – 15 x 4, defs x 1, 5 sentences using 2 vocabulary words.

1. economic  adj. – relating to trade, industry, or money

2. independence  n. the quality of being able to look after yourself and not need money, help, or permission from other people

3. vacant  adj. – somewhere that is vacant is available because it is not being used

4. overrun  v. – to spread over

5. scrawl  v. – to write or draw poorly or carelessly

6. important  adj.valuable, useful, or necessary

7. value  n./v. – how much money something could be sold for; to judge how much money something could be sold for

8. cornerstone  n. – something very important that something else depends on

9. headlong  adv. – quickly and directly

10. blast  v. – to break through rock using explosives

11. adventurous  adj.willing to try new or difficult things; exciting and often dangerous

12. lay out  phr. – to arrange something on a flat surface

13. glance  v. – to give a quick short look

14. spring up  phr. – to start to exist suddenly

15. unhitch  v.unhook or unfasten (something tethered to or caught on something else)


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