Dear Parents, Today in class we did the following: □ 1. Vocabulary words 1 - 20 □ 2. Homework: Vocabulary words 1 – 20 x 4, defs x 1, 5 sentences using 2 vocabulary words Due to the occurrence of the junior high school entrance exams this week, I am reducing the amount of homework. Only words 1 - 20 will be taught this week. 1. mystery n. – something that is difficult or impossible to explain 2. swirls v./n. – move in a twisting or spiraling pattern 3. joyous adj . – full of happiness and joy 4. tumbledown adj . – falling or fallen into ruin 5. lonesome adj. – solitary or lonely 6. stakes n. – a strong wooden or metal post driven into the ground as part of a fence 7. virtually adv . – nearly, almost 8. relics n. – an object surviving from an earlier time 9. evidence n. – the available information indicating whether something is true or valid 10. fo...