
 Dear Parents,

Today in class we did the following:

□ 1. Vocabulary words 16 – 30

□ 2. RWN Pages 316 - 318

□ 3. Homework: Vocabulary words 16 – 30 x 4, defs x 1, 5 sentences using two vocabulary words

  1. antitourist (adj.)- against tourists
  2. ordinary (adj.)- not different or special or unexpected in any way; usual
  3. nearly (adv.)-almost, or not completely
  4. creek (n.)- a narrow area of water that flows into the land from the sea, a lake, etc.
  5. apparatus (n.)- a set of equipment or tools or a machine that is used for a particular purpose
  6. surface (v.)- to rise to the surface of water
  7. nervous condition (n.)- a health problem relating to the nerves or nervous system
  8. recall (v.)- to bring the memory of a past event into your mind, and often to give a description of what you remember
  9. awfully (adv.)- very or extremely, when used before an adjective or adverb
  10. suspiciously (adv.)-in a way that makes you think that something is wrong
  11. demand (v.)- to ask for something forcefully, in a way that shows that you do not expect to be refused
  12. shudder (v.)- to shake suddenly with very small movements because of a very unpleasant thought or feeling
  13. shift (v.)- to move the gears of a vehicle into different positions in order to make it go faster or slower
  14. envelope (v.)- to cover or surround something completely
  15. expression (n.)- the look on someone's face, showing what they feel or think


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