
 Dear Parents,

Today in class we did the following:

□ 1. Vocabulary words 16 - 30

□ 2. RWN pages 291 – 293, RS Pages 139, 141

□ 3. Homework: Vocabulary words 16 – 30 x 4, defs x 1, 5 sentences using two vocabulary words

Please note that we did not read RS pages 139 and 141 today.

16. drops of sweat: liquid that forms from sweating

17. dry hands: when your hands have no moisture

18. nutrients: a substance or ingredient that promotes growth, provides energy, and maintains life

19. jealous: hostile toward a rival or one believed to enjoy an advantage

20. miserable: being in a pitiable state of distress or unhappiness (as from want or shame)

21. vinyl: a polymer of a vinyl compound or a product (such as a resin or a textile fiber) made from such a polymer

22. closet: a cabinet or recess for especially china, household utensils, or clothing

23. slippers: a light low-cut shoe that is easily slipped on the foot

24. lawn: ground (as around a house or in a garden or park) that is covered with grass and is kept mowed

25. sunflower seeds: seeds that come from sunflowers

26. bandages: a strip of fabric used especially to cover, dress, and bind up wounds

27. pulsating:  to throb or move rhythmically

28. Chinese checkers: a game in which each player seeks to be the first to transfer a set of marbles from a home point to the opposite point of a pitted 6-pointed star by single moves or jumps

29. garden:  a plot of ground where herbs, fruits, flowers, or vegetables are cultivated

30. dizzy: having a whirling sensation in the head with a tendency to fall



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