
Showing posts from November, 2023


Dear Parents, Today in class we did the following: □ 1. Unit test □ 2. RWN Check □ 3. Homework: RWN Corrections Regards, Teacher Ari


Dear Parents, Today in class we did the following: □ 1. RWN Pages 355, 358, 359 □ 2. Unit test review □ 3. Homework: RWN Page 377, review for unit test □ 4. __________________________________________________ There will be a unit test tomorrow. Test will include spelling, definition matching, Latin roots, and story comprehension. The section on Latin Roots is why RWN Page 377 has been assigned for homework tonight. Regards, Teacher Ari


Dear Parents, Today in class we did the following: 1) Vocabulary words 1 - 15. 2) Homework: Vocabulary words 1 - 15 x 5, defs x 1 The definition of the word Passport is extremely long. Students can shorten it to the following: a book used to travel to other countries. Have a great day. Regards, Teacher Ari


Dear Parents, Today in class we did the following: □ 1. Written test review □ 2. RWN Pages 351 - 353 □ 3. Homework: Smokejumpers RWN page corrections When I say written test review, I mean that we went over the written test to make sure everything was correct. Have a great weekend. Regard, Teacher Ari


Dear Parents, Today in class we did the following: 1. RWN Pages 356, 357 □ 2. No homework_ □ 3. Please note that I won't be at school tomorrow afternoon due to needing to take care of personal business. Teacher Edward will be covering for me tomorrow. Have a great evening. Regards, Teacher Ari


Dear Parents, Today in class we did the following: 1) Week 13 vocabulary Words 1 - 10. 2) Quizizz review. Thank you if you've sent back the parent conference form. If you haven't, please send it by Friday. Please note that Week 13 words won't be on the next exam, nor will there be a quiz this week. Regards, Teacher Ari


Dear Parents, I was unable to get to school on time due to having to visit the doctor this morning. I arrived about midway through class period. Therefore, another teacher was covering my lesson. Todays assignment is to review for the written test tomorrow. Homework is also to review for the written exam. I have sent home the parent conference form. Kindly note that there is a typo on the form. The week is listed as 11/28 - 12/2. It should be 11/27-12/1. There will be no conferences on Wednesday, 11/29 due to the outing. Have a great day. Regards, Teacher Ari


Dear Parents, Today in class we finished up with oral tests. Homework is the written test review worksheet. Have a great weekend. Regards, Teacher Ari


Dear Parents, Today in class we did the following: □ 1. Oral exams □ 2. Homework: Written test review worksheet Question 4 on the worksheet that was sent home has a couple of typos that I didn't catch until after I was done editing the page and had already sent out. Please see the attached one that is correct. However, it's OK to turn in the one that was sent home. Regards, Teacher Ari


Dear Parents, Today in class we took the listening exam. Homework tonight is the written exam review worksheet. Have a great day. Teacher Ari


Dear Parents, Today in class we did the following: □ 1. Weeks 9 and 10 vocabulary review □ 2. Homework: Review for listening test Reminder that tomorrow is the listening exam. We will be taking the sxam in level classes rather than homerooms this time around. Thank you if you've already sent me your childs oral test script. Please send me the script by Thursday if not. Have a great day. Regards, Teacher Ari


Dear Parents, Today in class we did the following: □ 1. Week 8 vocabulary review □ 2. Homework: Written test review worksheet There are still a couple of outstanding unit tests from last week. Please remember to sign and return them. This week, we will be conducting the listening exam and the oral tests. Thank you if you have already sent me your childs script. Note that, from here on out, we will be conducting listening exams in levelled readers rather than homerooms. Have a great day. Regards, Teacher Ari


Dear Parents, Today in class we took the unit test. Homework today is a one page diary about being a smokejumper. Specifically, what a smokejumper does and whether or not you want to be one. Online Savvas homework has been assigned. If you don't know you're Savvas username and password, please message me and I will find out. The homework is due on 11/30/2023. Have a great weekend. Regards, Teacher Ari


Dear Parents, Please see todays schedule. □ 1. RWN pages 316, 317, 319, 321, 326 □ 2. Unit test review □ 3. Homework: Study for unit test Please note that only Week 11 vocabulary words will be on the list. Please remember to send me the script for the oral test through either LINE or email. My email address is Regards, Teacher Ari


Dear Parents, Today in class we did the following: □ 1. Vocabulary words 16 – 30 □ 2. Homework: Vocabulary words 16 – 30 x5, defs x 1 Regards, Teacher Ari 5th Grade 2nd Exam Test Scope – Fall, 2023 Dear Parents, The Second Monthly Exams are upon us once again. Below is the exam schedule and test scope. Please remind your child to go over vocabulary and reading stories listed in the test scope.  Listening Exam: Wednesday, 11/15  Oral Exam: Thursday, 11/16, and Friday, 11/17  Written Exam: Tuesday, 11/21 LISTENING & ORAL EXAMS:  Vocabulary Focus: Week 8 – Week 11 (Communication Book)  Reading Street Stories:  Encyclopedia Brown (P. 146 – 155)  Smokejumpers (P. 178 – 191)  Listening Skills: Contractions and negatives, Prefixes un-, dis-, and in- WRITTEN EXAM:  Vocabulary Focus: Week 8 – Week 11 (Communication Book)  Story Comprehension:  Encyclopedia Brown (P. 146 – 155)  Smokejumpers (P. 178 – 191)  Phonics Focus:  Contractions  Multisyllabic words  Prefi...


Dear Parents, Today in class we did the following: □ 1. Vocabulary words 1 - 15 □ 2. Read Smokejumpers: Life Fighting Fires □ 3. Homework: Vocabulary words 1 – 15 x 5, defs x 1 There are still several outstanding quizzes from last week. Please sign and return them. Regards, Teacher Ari


Dear Parents, Today in class we did the following: □ 1. Quiz □ 2. RWN Check □ 3. Homework: 1 page in bubble book about what you like about Sports Day Please sign and return the quiz on Tuesday. See you at Sports Day tomorrow. Regards, Teacher Ari


Dear Parents, Today in class we did the following: □ 1. RWN Pages 322 - 324 □ 2. Quiz Review □ 3. Homework: Study for quiz Tomorrow's quiz will include spelling, defintions matching, multisyllabic words, and fill-in-the-blanks. Have a great day. Regards, Teacher Ari


Dear Parents, Today in class we did the following: □ 1. RWN Pages 318, 319, 320 □ 2. Homework: RWN Page 325 There are still a number of outstanding tests from last week that haven't been returned. Please sign and return them this week. Regards, Teacher Ari